My youngest child is 5, nearly 6 yrs. old. He was home with me yesterday, and I decided to let him play with a big bag of uncooked rice. I spread out a bedsheet on the floor, brought the rice, a bunch of blocks and super heroes, and left him to his own devices. He is 5, afterall, and I thought that the fascination with body orifaces had passed.
Uh, no.
I looked over at my sweet boy, only to see him digging in his nose. I said, "Honey, Ick! Go get a tissue please!" Then he turned to me, with finger still in nostril, and said, "Mom, I got rice in my nose."
Instead of trying to figure out how to get the rice out, I had to try to figure out how it got there in the first place.
"Honey, how did the rice get in there?"
"I was smelling it." said son.
"Smelling it?" I replied.
Who knew that rice could shoot quite far out of a little nostril.
Fortunately, my son didn't aspirate the rice. That could have been an interesting scene at the local ER.
Sigh. Kids... an endless source of entertainment for me.