Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Theological Prejudice?

I have a dear friend who proudly defines himself as a Reformed Christian, or Calvinist.  Big-time T.U.L.I.P. guy.  He and I have gone 'round and 'round about things such as predestination, limited atonement, and so forth.  Over the years I've found that I probably agree with my friend more than I disagree, even though I confuse terms such as "hypostatic union" and "eschatology" and "hermeneutics".  I never did go to college, yet I don't consider myself to be a complete dunce ;-)   I've found that by really discussing things which are theological in nature it prods me on to study the Bible more, to determine what it is I really do believe.   What I have noticed, however, is that there seems to be an attitude of theological elitism surrounding most Christian groups - this would include churches, denominations, individuals, etc. 
The Reformed crew seems to look down upon the non-Reformed as the uninformed at best, biblically illiterate at worst.  Some Evangelicals may look upon their Reformed counterparts as being legalistic or cold-hearted.   I think that the human heart tends to lean toward being prideful.
The Boar's Head Tavern recently posted a great blog entry: A Toast to the Low Minded Christian  Go ahead, check it out.  Very thought provoking!

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