Wednesday, June 01, 2005


God has given me over seven thousand three hundred days with my sweetheart.  Today is our 20th wedding anniversary.  I am crazy-in-love with my husband.  There are so many things about him that bring me great joy and great pride.  I think the thing I like most about him is that his sense of humor is as stupid as mine.  He is faithful, loyal, tender, strong, smart, and handsome.  He has never wavered in the love he shows for me daily.  I am still so thankful to God for bringing my honey into my life.  No matter how many more days God graciously gives me with this man, it will not seem like enough to me.  I am so glad that I have been given such an incredible partner to walk with me through life’s seasons. 

When I was 19yrs. old, I remember my pastor’s wife telling me to wait for God’s best for me to marry.  How in the world would I know?  Her reassuring words, “God knows who He has for you to marry - don’t worry about it.” carried me through many seasons.  When I was 21 I met my husband.  He and I had no interest in each other, whatsoever.  See, we aren’t each other’s “types”.  Long story short, I guess we were each other’s types.  We married when I was 23 and he was 25.  We never did hit that seven-year itch thing... probably because at year five we had our first baby, then every couple of years we added in another baby.  LOL!  No, seriously, being married hasn’t been nearly as hard as so many told us it would be.  I don’t know... maybe it’s just us?  We find humor in almost everything, even the really crazy stuff of life.  Being married to my husband is easy, because he is an easy-going guy.  Easy to please.   He is a real treasure of my heart, the apple of my eye (sorry about being so corny!)

I’d like God to give us at least another 14,000 days together.  That’s not too much to ask for, is it?  When I told my hubby that this morning, he said, "That's not enough time.  I'll only be 85 yrs. old!"


1 comment:

  1. You made me do the math here at home - we celebrate #25 this year. As of today, we have logged 8695 days as man and wife. WOW!

    Congratulations on being a shining example of hard work and steadfastness, through God's grace!

    Kim (in TX)
