Monday, December 18, 2006

Poxy Christmas Season

"Mommy, I am itchy."

I looked at my 10 yr. old daughter's neck, and to my surprise she was sprouting a few chicken pox last Wednesday. Which means she was contagious on Tuesday, December 13. Add eleven days and what do you have? December 24 as the likely day my other two kids who haven't had the pox yet developing their own itchies. Well, any time between December 24 and some time in January, depending on the incubation period.

With my mother-in-law's struggles with Shingles, it looks like it would be unwise to travel to see her on Christmas Eve, since my boys could be contagious before any spots appear. Shingles is such a painful thing!


Perhaps the Lord is trying to slow us down for a while? OK, I didn't imagine that a slowdown would have to include Calamine lotion and baking soda baths for itchy, miserable kids, but oh well. This week, instead of running to basketball games and other social events, I will probably be sticking close to home. I will admit that in some ways this is a welcomed reprieve from the nearly constant pressures of everyday life in the holiday season.

My wonderful church has been very supportive. We were supposed to host an all-church Christmas party at our home last Friday night. After consulting with my Uni-Brain gals over at Teaching Mom, I decided to relocate the party to the church, which is only a mile or so away from our home. The party was just fine, but it wasn't as "homey" as I would have liked, of course. As I called everyone in our little church directory, I was struck by the common reaction of those with whom I spoke "live". They all laughed, then usually recounted a time when either they or their children had chicken pox.

We really do have some delightful people at our church. They bless me more than they will ever know.

I guess this post is really pretty pointless... how does one pontificate the virtues of a viral-embedded Christmas season? It is inconvenient, but also not the worst thing that could happen. I get to spend lots of time with the people in this world who are my absolute treasures. Maybe this is an itchy gift from God?

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