Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coolio Google Reader Shared Items

I recently discovered that I can "share" blog articles by other people. I love my Google Reader, and subscribe to many different blogs. Occasionally someone has something really great to say that I wish I could share with my friends without the hassle of emailing links and all that. Enter Google Reader's sharing tag. When I am reading something I love & want to share, all I have to do is hit the little share logo at the bottom of the blog article I'm reading (while in Google Reader), and it ends up here. It is also sent to anyone who subscribes to my own blog.

Sooooo, if you ever wonder what I'm reading in blog land, check along the right hand side of this blog, or click here on Mx5's Shared Items page. It won't show all the blogs I check on, but it will show some entries that shook me up in a good way. You can even subscribe to it, for what that's worth.


1 comment:

  1. LOL! Every time I hear "Coolio!" I think of Sarah Chalke on "Scrubs." :)
