Friday, July 01, 2005

It's Good to be Six!

My "baby" celebrated his sixth birthday yesterday, complete with copious amounts of presents from his brothers and sisters, as well as pizza for dinner and mom's homemade double chocolate cake. What could be better?

I remember when I first sensed the Lord telling me about this boy. It was September of 1997. I know this sounds crazy, but I felt like God told me I would have another baby, and I would be pregnant within a year, that it would be a son, and that I should name him Samuel. He also told me that Sammy would take his father's "mantle of ministry" when he got older.

I told my dear husband this, who told me "No way! We are done having kids!"
I then went to God in my quiet time and told Him that if this truly was of Him, that He'd have to make it so. I wouldn't beg my husband, or somehow trick him.

One year later, as I took the pregnancy test, and got the plus sign, I struggled with how I would tell my hubby about our new addition. With tears in my eyes, I said to my hubby, "Guess what?" He replied, "You're pregnant. God told me two weeks ago that you were pregnant, and that I shouldn't worry because He'd take care of everything."


So here we are six years later, with a joyful bundle of boy. We do see in him a tender heart, but not a weak one. He is very loving, yet all boy. God really does speak to us today, and boy oh boy, does He ever give good gifts!